Scholarships for academic support.The CAF continues its alliance with the School of Economics and Business (FEN) of the University of Chile supporting students in their last years of high school to prepare them for higher education. The selected complied with school performance and academic potential and come from schools where the school vulnerability index is 75% or above, which reflects both the extreme poverty condition of their students as well as the percentage risk of school failure.
In 2025 FEN-EDT will select more than 90 students in Junior Year from high schools in Santiago, Lautaro and Aysén. Since 2014 to 2024 more than 100 graduates from this program have completed their degrees in different universities and have started their professional career.
A program for girls.This project will benefit a group of 12 girls 8 to 12 years old who live under the protection of the state and reside in the Villa Jorge Yarur in La Pintana, Santiago. These girls suffer from high levels of social, emotional and family-related issues associated, mainly to gender-related experiences and negligence. The situation where they come from has impacted their growth and facing the emotional challenges associated with their environment in the shelter and their future as women.
Fundación Niñas Valientes (Brave Girls) is a nonprofit organization that works towards building gender equity from childhood to adulthood through education and the construction of a violent-free atmosphere where the children play the main role.
The adolescents will be led by a specialized team who will provide the tools to strengthen their self-esteem and resilience through modules on various topics. They will participate in group and individual workshops, didactic and ludic activities, such as games to identify what is a stereotype, personal value, peer support, self-acceptance and other topics, followed by a period of personal reflection and work. Based on their experience with this same group in 2024, in 2025 three adolescents who participated in 2024 will join the facilitators as 'monitors'. The staff in charge of the girls in Villa Yarur will also receive training sessions to provide a continuation to the learnings when the sessions conclude.
The Chilean-American Foundation will contribute US$4,500 for this project.
Educational workshops after school hours.In this project, 34 children aged 6 to 9 will participate every day throughout the school year in a program after school hours at the School Las Palmas in Llay Llay. The students will attend four hours and will be assisted in developing both their socio-emotional and school abilities, as well as receiving needed snacks.
This program promotes the integral development of children from Kinder to 5th elementary school year in localities of high social vulnerability and whose parents cannot be with them after school hours. In the case of Llay Llay 88.5% of children’s parents, guardians or caretakers work in the afternoons and 67% do not have anyone to be with them during that time. The program offers educational activities, recreational and caregiving. Its purpose is to support the families by providing a secure and structured space where the children can do homework, participate in creative workshops, learn new skills and enjoy recreative moments with their peers.
We will support this project with a contribution from of US$5,000.-