Your participation in the events organized by the Chilean-American Foundation, our sponsors, donations and contributions that we obtain constitute the sources of income that allow us year after year to continue marking a positive difference in the lives of disadvantaged children and youth in Chile.

The Foundation periodically holds entertaining social and cultural events in which hundreds of friends of the Chilean community residing in the United States and friends of Chile participate.


  • ONCE CHILENA on 7-Sep-2024
    Once 7-sep-2024

    The Chilean-American Foundation invites you to a traditional Chilean Tea Time to enjoy with your friends and compatriots the delicious flavors of a traditional Once, as we approach Chile’s Independence Day.

    The funds raised will go to the Foundation’s 2025 projects in support of the children and youth we aid in Chile.  We hope you will join us at the Historic Blenheim in Fairfax, VA.

    Last year the Once was a total success. Make your reservations with your friends promptly, the number of attendees is limited!  To make your Ticket Reservations-Donation you just need to CLICK HERE

    J Farias 20224

    We are proud to announce that Javier Farias, prominent Chilean-American composer and guitarist, will honor us by accepting to serve as the Cultural Ambassador of the Chilean-American Foundation starting this current year.

    His career dates back to the early 2000s with compositions that have premiered in important venues such as Carnegie Hall, Teatro Colón, Instituto Cervantes in New York City, the Kennedy Center, Tsuda Hall in Japan, Ateneo de Madrid, and the Meistersaal in Berlin, among others. His music written for guitar has also been included in repertoires for conservatories including the Conservatoire de Paris, Yale University, San Francisco Conservatory of Music, and Royal Danish Academy of Music in Copenhagen.

    Javier plans to link the philanthropic objectives of our foundation in favor of the neediest children and youth in Chile, his home country, with one of his latest projects “A LONG WALK”. Wherever his artistic journey takes him around the world, he will be looking for occasions to promote and raise funds for the Chilean-American Foundation.

    September 16, 2023
    Once foto 5

    We are very grateful to all who participted in our Once a la Chilena on September 16, 2023.
    Thank you for bringing so much joy to the event, for your recognition of the benefit that the Chilean-American Foundation's provides to the vulnerable children and youth in Chile. In fact, that we benefit not only the participans in our programs, but also their families, their community, Chile.

    Without you we would not be able to carry out this work!

    Placa EDT 2022

    School of Talent Development honors our Foundation with a beautiful commemorative plaque.
    Learn about it as told by Yanka Epstein, President in 2022.

    "In December 2022, I was invited by the School of Economics and Business (FEN) of the University of Chile to attend the School of Talent Development’s (EDT) Graduation Ceremony, on behalf of the Chilean-American Foundation. The ceremony took place at the FEN’s Main Hall in Santiago.

    And there I was, surrounded with the Dean of the School José de Gregorio, the university faculty and administrative team, the founder of the EDT Joseph Ramos sitting next to me, and the students’ family members and friends. To my surprise and excitement, I was invited to the stage where I received a recognition for our Foundation with a beautiful commemorative plaque recognizing our contributions to the FEN’s School of Talent Development for the past nine years. 

    Participating in this ceremony was very emotional for me, and when I was given the commemorative plaque, I felt very proud to represent each one of you, our donors, and our volunteers. Also, proud that our Foundation has an important part in supporting hard-working tenacious Chilean youth in reaching their goals."

  • Agreement with Foundation Moisés Mellado
    Logo FMM 2022

    The Chilean-American Foundation signed a Cooperation Agreement with Foundation Moisés Mellado (FMM) through the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (FCFM) of the University of Chile on 31 January, 2022.

    FMM is a charity organization founded by the alumni of the School of Engineering and Sciences (IEC), also named Network of Solidary Beauchefians for the location of their headquarters in Santiago. FMM is dedicated to award scholarships to university students of EIC based on their merits per socio-economic conditions, good academic ranking, and who come from outside of Santiago.

    The agreement's objective is to contribute to covering housing costs during the academic year of students at the University of Chile pursuing careers in the School of Engineering and Sciences (EIC).

  • Online Charity Auction
    Subasta Virtual de Beneficio 2021

    We thank all members and friends of the Foundation for the response in contributions and support to achieve the excellent results of our first fundraising activity in 2021 - ONLINE CHARITY AUCTION.

    ¡At the final recount of donations we can share that we raised $5.000 net!  These funds will finance a project in 2022.


  • Annual Bingo

    About 150 enthusiastic Chileans and friends of Chile gathered on Saturday, May 31 in the events hall of the Pilgrim Lutheran Church of Bethesda to participate in the traditional bingo that the Chilean-American Foundation of  Washington, D.C. carries out each year.

    This bingo has become the main source of optimism and joy for dozens of donors, volunteers and friends of the Foundation under the mission to aid children and adolescents in Chile to overcome their situation of poverty and social risk. Lawrence Lamonica, president of the Fundación, highlighted the event "for its unpaired capacity to unite us for an evening of friendship, solidarity and cultural reunion”.

    The Embassy of Chile, the Organization of the American States Chilean Mission, the Consulate of Chile, and the Military Attachés Offces in Washington, D.C, participated actively and made important donations for the event as in previous years.. The Ambassador Juan Gabriel Valdés highlighted warmly the nobleness of our work. The Consul Arturo Giadala and his family collaborated actively before and after the event.

  • Celebrating our Thirtieth Anniversary

    The Chilean-American Foundation was established in 1990 in Washington, D.C.

    In 2020, we celebrate all the projects we have funded in Chile throughout all these years and also you, our donors and friends of the Foundation that have made this dream created in 1990 a reality.

    It is a pleasure to share with you the history of some of the programs and the faces of these girls, boys and adolescents who have enjoyed and enormously benefited from them..

    ¡We invite you to see them in this video!

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